Grant Services for Municipalities

Effective. Efficient. Streamlined.
MuniGrant offers grant services to municipal governments, from research (check out our free database of grants!) to writing to project administration.​
With MuniGrant, you can do more for your constituents, without relying on property tax dollars.
Our services save staff time​, increase likelihood of grant success​, and expand grant revenue income stream for your municipality. ​

The Database
Search the database by category to find the grants you need. Categories include economic development, public works, environment, safety, and more.
Saving grants allows you create a curated list of grants that align with your projects and municipal goals.
Customizable email alerts for grants and reminders when you are approaching deadlines on your saved grants.

About MuniGrant Founder

"I created MuniGrant after a decade of writing and managing grants for organizations throughout Maine. I've been awarded millions in grant dollars from state, federal, and private funders. I created the database because it's what I wanted when I worked in municipal government - an easy-to-use, central source of information specifically tailored for municipal governments - so that you never miss a deadline. I love the entire grants process, from research to writing to administration and would love to connect if your municipality is looking for additional support.
Get in Touch
In need of grant research, writing, or administration support? Get in touch!
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Create your free account to access a comprehensive listing of state and federal grant opportunities available to municipal governments in Maine.