CDS Season Comes to a Close
Another round of Congressional Designated Spending (CDS) season is coming to a close. Now that deadlines are past, I am thinking about all of the smaller Maine communities that don’t take advantage of the opportunity because they don’t know about CDS or they don’t have the capacity to apply. Congressionally Designated Spending (or otherwise known as “earmarks”) are a HUGE opportunity for every community in Maine. They can be transformational for communities.
As a grant writer, I LOVE writing CDS applications because I know what a tremendous impact they can have. This funding mechanism could go away in the future (who makes this decision, anyway?). I would be the first person to advocate for this funding stream to STAY. They put the power in our elected officials to make REAL and DIRECT impact on communities and hold our elected officials accountable. And, regardless of whether or not any given project is funded, it gives our elected officials and their staff an opportunity to see what communities want and need. Earmarks aren’t perfect, but I think it's an improvement to fair allocation of federal funds.
✨And, for those communities that need assistance, reach out for a MuniGrant strategy session and let's make a game plan for 2025. ✨
